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A lesson in Flexibility

Do you know what tomorrow is? Do you? 'Cause we do. It was the planned departure day for our Big Journey!

Do you know what tomorrow is? Do you? 'Cause we do . It's now a day for final preparations, a little wee-bit of rest and possibly an opportunity to slow down and relax. For a minute. Basically, our departure day has been moved. But only by one day. So, instead of departing the Oregon coast on May 5th, we are leaving the Florence area on Saturday May 6th.

Why? Well, first and foremost, the weather shows us that the only predicted rain for the next week guessed it....tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice to start this epic trip with a little sunshine on your back? A little motivation and reassurance from the sun gods? In addition, we still have final adjustments to make on the bikes. And by we, I really mean Jerry: our family unit bike mechanic. (Insert awesomeness here)

Not going to lie, it was a tad upsetting initially to think of not starting out on the day that we had planned. BUT, after thinking 'pros vs cons', we decided to make a change and allow all of us to be a prepared as possible. And the boys are pretty stoked to be hanging out in the hotel room for one more day. We are set on our goals and are working on being flexible in our 'methods'.

Here are some pictures to show you what has been happening with the Ziemer clan for the past few days:

Commute scenery now that we are home in the Gorge.

Jerry fulfilling his role as lead-mechanic for Journey Big

Load 'em up! Ashby looking for an empty spot.

Here we go! On our way to the Coast and the departure of Journey Big!

Mom is awake. Everyone else, NOPE!

Loaded and ready to pull away.

The new (interim) home of the bikes. Driftwood Shores hooked us up !

See you on Satuday!

Much Aloha,

Jess, Jerry, Aden and Ashy.

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